
Album Recommendation - The Emerging

Genre: Symphonic Metal/Instrumental
Artist: Sutej Singh
Year: 2018


Best Track: Oceans Apart

Tracklist: 1.) Overture   2.) The Comeback Trail3.) Timeless   4.) Come Into Existence   5.) The Emerging   6.) Oceans Apart   7.) Walk My Path   8.) Revelations

The mainstream Indian music scene mostly comprises of Bollywood Music. I’ve looked at indie bands in the past like Bhayanak Maut but never found them too special. Also, their childish and comical lyrics totally kill the mood for me.

So when I learnt that a Solan based Progressive Metal artist is topping the charts I was intrigued. After a couple of listens I bought the album from the artist’s BandCamp page - not just because the music kicked major ass but also because I wanted to support the artist. (and wanted it in a losless audio format as well)

Also just want to mention that bandcamp is an amazing service. After making the payment, I had the option to download the raw music files in any format I wished - without any DRM. This is a rarity these days.

Coming back to the record - the production is impressive as well. Everything sounds clear and the audio never felt dirty even during the busier sections.

Talking about the music - I think it’s a metal record that you can recommend to people who don’t usually like it. It’s not your typical metal record at all. What differentiates it from others is the inclusion of orchestral bits and uplifting synth sounds along with roaring guitars - which creates a really nice ambience that’s difficult to explain.
The Comeback Trail, Timeless and Oceans Apart are good examples of this ambience. These are also my top picks from this album.

The tracking is also something that adds to the overall experience. Tracks flow into each other very naturally. For example, the first 3 tracks feel like one single piece.

Singh’s guitar playing is also very hypnotic at points - very reminiscent of Pink Floyd’s David Gilmour. While listening to Come Into Existence, sometimes it even felt like I was listening to Pink Floyd’s Marooned.

There is only one minor issue that I have with this record - The title track is a little underwhelming. It’s not bad at all, I personally find it a little different in tone/atmosphere than the rest of the record. But I think it’s just me. There’s not a single bad track in this record which is commendable for a debut.

Rating: 9


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